Emperor Cazoma

The young Emperor, Cazoma, greeted them with intense interest. Assailing them with questions, he welcomed the Hiigarans as guests within his domain. – The Narrator Emperor Cazoma is the emperor of perpetual Tanoch Empire. He recently ascended to the throne, after mysterious death of his father. He is of curious nature and often greets newly […]

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High Priest Itaca Taot

Itaca Taot is a High Priest of Tanoch Empire. The Temple forces answer directly to him, making him second most powerful person in the perpetual Tanoch Empire.

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Commander Tepin Papan

Your vessels are unknown to us. Our Emperor is fascinated with outsiders, there is a standing invitation for strangers to visit our capital and see him. – Tepin Papan Commander Tepin Papan is a Tanoch Navy officer, in command of a destroyer. He intercepts the players flagship when they inadvertently enter Tanoch space, and invite […]

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