Can I mine without being attacked / Any tips for mining?
Yes and no. By completing a scannable mission or a strike, you can stay in that instance and mine the asteroids that are present there. But the mining yield of those asteroid are abysmal because of its low purity.
“To increase your mining yield, you need to scan down an asteroid belt (marked with a triangle on the map, check the System list tab). Those asteroids have 10x the purity then those in missions. But you’ll be attack by pirates when you stay long enough in that instance. And most belts will have continuous spawns.”
You can ask in global chat for help whilst mining, players tend to farm those pirate spawns so whilst you are safely mining away, another player can take care of the pirates for you.
Popular mining systems are: Toasiim for T0, Devadaasi for T1, Marat Kan for T2 and Tibata for T3.
My scanner does not work / Button is greyed out?
Scanning something down can be a bit difficult depending on your sensors array. Spamming the scan button does work if you for example have a T1 sensors array, and you want to scan down a T2 site.
If your scan button grey’s out and is no longer press able, then you’ve encountered a known bug. A fix for this is to restart your game client.
To upgrade your sensors array, you can use RE to level it up, get a higher tier sensor array or fit in a high aerospace stat officer into your sensors room.
Do asteroids deplete / How long can I mine them?
Asteroid do not deplete. So, keep shooting rocks to your hearts content!
Where can I find D type ore? Asteroid identification
Every ore type can be found in every belt. When going into a scanned asteroid belt, you’ll see an ore type that is focused on the system map. This only decides the majority of the asteroids present but not all. The 4 asteroid types have distinct looks, with D type being capped on a lower purity then the other types.
A type has reddish looks to them, B type is silvery, C type is green and orange whilst D type is completely brown and is faded on the sensors manager compared to the other types.
Where can I find RE / Which asteroid type gives the most RE?
RE is a side-product from mining asteroids and can be dropped from strike loot and progenitor salvage. But mining asteroids will be your main source.
After numerous tests, the RE drop rate don’t seem to differ from the different types. The most important thing is the asteroid’s purity, which decides the drop quantity of RE
Aside from mining, there are also options in the market to get RE’s from each tier. If you’re planning to play for a long time, I recommend you buy the T3 cache as early as you can since the drop rate is really low when mining.
Where can I find a specific RE / What RE’s do I need?
Each tier has its own RE’s. If you’re looking to upgrade a T1 weapon, you’ll need to find yourself T1 RE’s.
Currently the following RE’s are in the game in order of rarity: T1: Sc, Yy (Both needed for weapons and utilities) T2: La (Weapons and utilities), Ce (Weapons), Pr (Utilities). T3: Nd (Utilities), Pm (Weapons), Sm (Weapons), Eu (Utilities)
Where can I find T0 M ores?
T0M ores are only found in T0 systems, check out the system pages for which systems have asteroid belts.
My collectors are dropping off ores to another player / How many resource collectors do I need?
A players’ flagship and resource controllers get a drop off point for resource collectors. When your collectors are mining close to the fleet of another player, they will try to drop off their ores into their drop off point. When collectors do this, the ores they mine will be yours, the reverse can also happen when other players collectors drop off into your drop off point. Rule of thumb is that whatever YOUR collectors mine will be YOURS, THEIR collectors’ ores will be THEIRS.
Currently a instance have a maximum cap for mining units (collectors and controllers). If there are 10 units present, other players can’t deploy their own. So, in general, if you are mining with other players, keep in mind to evenly split the mining units.
Testing shows that collectors will only drop off their ores one at the time, excluding the amount of drop off points available. Meaning that if you have 2 controllers active, the collectors at controller B will wait until the drop off at controller A is finished.
So TLDR; if you are mining in a group, 1 controller and 4 collectors is a good mix so other players can deploy units as well (reduce units if more players want to mine). If solo, deploy as many units as you want.
How do I earn credits / adamant?
Credits can be earned by various activities in the game, but there are methods that really help:
Early on, you can mine T0 resources, make T0 interceptors and sell those on the market. This is currently a very fast and easy way to earn some credits early on. When you unlock T2 small components, make and sell those instead of the T0 interceptors. This will net you more credits.
Currently the fastest method to earn some credits, is by selling officer insignias. This will drop from all content and enemy salvage. Doing strikes is the most efficient, but any content will do.