What Kiithid / Faction should I choose?

With the current game balance, all kiithid are a viable choice. The buff and debuffs you get from them are minimal, so choose which group you like the most lore or color scheme wise. Same can be said for the weapons and units, the balance right now is solid so don’t be afraid to pick whatever you want.

What do various UI elements mean?

UI Descritpion by Swordier#0597

I can’t access a specific game feature.

The main quest now has certain unlocks for gameplay element like fabrication, liaisons, hyperspace jumps and other systems. The list below shows what chapter and quest unlocks these features:

  • Chapter 1 – Local Currency, Unlocks the Fabricator,
  • Chapter 4 – Bridge, unlocks the shipyard,
  • Chapter 6 – Delver, unlocks Kiith selection,
  • Chapter 6 – Blood Ties, unlocks name change, unlocks chat,
  • Chapter 6 – Declaration, unlocks T1 Hyperspace Jump research,
  • Chapter 7 – New Minerals, unlocks the refinery,
  • Chapter 12 – Hostile History, unlocks external modules,
  • Chapter 15 – Iyatequa Business, unlocks research,
  • Chapter 16 – Laboratories, unlocks T2 Hyperspace Jump research,
  • Chapter 17 – Cangacian Attacks, unlocks T2 Interceptor schematics / Research,
  • Chapter 19 – Lazarus Repairs, unlocks T2 Assault frigate schematics / Research.
  • Chapter 19 – Ore deal, unlocks Resources Controller T1.
  • Chapter 20 – Escort ships T2, unlocks the Liaison Office.
  • Chapter 22 – Flagship T2, unlocks T2 Capital mass driver schematics / Research.
  • Chapter 23 – Fabricator module, unlocks internal Modules.
  • Chapter 23 – Temple Tonaati, unlocks T3 Hyperspace Jump Research.
  • Chapter 26 – Unlocks Gas Mining
  • Chapter 31 – Unlocks T4 Hyperspace Jump Research.

Fabrication penalty/bonus

Bonuses are: 400%/400%/20%/0/20%/40%/40%, where 0 is your Fabricator/Refinery tier.

I can’t make escorts or flagships / I can’t collect escorts or flagships?

Large units (escorts and flagships), need to be made at a shipyard. Shipyards are located at Trade stations; outpost do not have them. Check the system page to find which system has a trade station.

I can’t jump to a specific system / how do I get more hyperspace jump strength?

Some systems, mostly those of a higher tier, have a minimum requirement of hyperspace jump strength to enter said system. You can get this buy upgrading your engine to a higher level, or construction a higher tier flagship.

What are tiers / Where to find X loot?

In the current version, there are five tiers, Tier 0 (T0) Tier 1 (T1), Tier 2 (T2), Tier 3 (T3), and Tier 4 (T4). These are marked with Roman numerals (so T0 is 0, T1 I, T2 II, T3 III, and T4 IV). Every item, location, enemy and mission has a designated tier to it.

If you’re looking for a certain tier item (let’s, say T2 ores), you’ll find it in a tier 2 system, marked with II (so for example Bishaan Tel II). If a mission requires you to build a T2 interceptor, look for the II on the top right of the blueprint.

Where can I find large Weapons / Hull / Machinery parts blueprint?

Since the introduction of requisitions, the different blueprints can be found in the requisitions stores of the different factions. Large weapon parts blueprints can be found from the Tanoch stations (Stations in the yellow zone, Tecoalte for example)

Large hull parts blueprints can be found from the Yaot stations (Stations in the green zone, Saami Ra for example) and the large machinery blueprints can be found from the Iyatequa stations (the zone in the brownish color zone, Edowana for example)

My game crashed after buying IRL purchases / I don’t see my bought packs?

You’ll find the bought items in your ship’s storage (internal view -> storage). If this is not the case, double check if you see the ‘sold out’ tag on packs.

If this tag is not present, then you might want to try a different payment method (if money has been withdrawn, the play store will refund you in a 24h timespan). If this is present but you still don’t have the items (after a reset)? Make a ticket in the #bug-report channel.

I can’t progress the main quest anymore / Main quest missions are too hard?

The main quest is not meant to be progressed or rushed with back-to-back missions. If you feel like your fleet is too weak, take a bit of time off to mine and complete other missions to get stronger before attempting the main mission again.

Without spoilers, once you reach the ‘Temple Tonaati’ mission, you’ll notice a big difficulty spike. Make sure your fleet is strong enough and / or be ready to jump out when the battle is not in your favor. Also, stock up on armor damage for a certain reason.

My camera is stuck / can’t pan my camera anymore?

Sometimes during extended sessions, your camera can become stuck. There are two ways to fix it: 1. Jump to a node within a system (trade station to an asteroid belt for example) and rapidly press the top right and bottom left of the screen. This should un-stuck your camera (the longer the distance, the better the chances). 2. Is the good old ‘have you tried turning it off and on again’ approach. This will instantly fix the camera issue.

Where can I scan something / Where to find the scan button?

In your system overview (On the top right, the 3rd button from the right) you can scan missions and locations. Press the scan button on the button left to start send your first ever ping across the system.